You are pregnant, but you do not want to be. If you have decided that abortion is the best option for you there will be many more queries and considerations ahead of you. During this process, you may feel that you are alone, but actually, you are not alone. Around 6,50000 women of the United States get an abortion every year. No doubt, this procedure is common but still, you may feel a little bit shrouded in secrecy, especially when you are looking for advice on what to expect. Abortion Clinic North Tampa offers the best services.
There are various ways to prepare physically and emotionally for your abortion.
1. Educate yourself about your abortion options.
According to the CDC, most of the people prefer to choose the option of the abortion known as “the abortion pill”. It is also known as medical, chemical or pill abortion. This option is available to those people who are at most 10 weeks pregnant. You may feel some complications during this procedure according to the status of your health. Most of the people choose medical abortion as compared to the surgical counterpart. It seems less clinical as you can take pills at home in a natural way. Though there are different ways to have a medical abortion, the most common involves taking two pills. You will need 1st pill of Mifepristone and 4 pills of Misoprostol during this procedure. It is important that you should take an equal amount of pills. The Mifepristone should be 200mg and each Misoprostol should be 200mcg. The pregnancy terminating the RU-486 medication, aka "The Abortion Pill," is the most effective way to end gestations in the first seven to nine weeks. According to a report, it is believed that 40% of abortion does with these pills. There should be some time gap between these two pills. Abortion pill Jacksonville FL cost is reasonable as everyone can afford it.
Surgical abortion is the other option to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. Mainly this process takes 5 to 20 minutes to complete the process. It can be more effective than medical abortion, as it has 96 to 100 percent completion rates. This involves removing the fetus and placenta from your uterus through your vagina with a suction device or other medical tools. Depending on factors like the fetus’s gestational age, a surgical abortion is performed under local or general anesthesia.
Many people choose this option as it is completed within a few minutes. Even with pain medication, you may experience cramping during your surgical abortion, but it typically subsides quickly. You may also experience bleeding, cramping, or spotting for days after a surgical abortion. Your doctor should carefully explain all the important details of what to expect before, during, and after the procedure
2. Is the abortion pill safer than surgery?
Medical abortion is safe when performed under the care of a medical professional. They carry fewer risks and complications than childbirth. The death rate of women during an abortion is almost none in this procedure. According to a 2012 study in Obstetrics and Gynecology, this explains that many of the more dangerous conditions, like high blood pressure during pregnancy, are most likely to present later in pregnancy. If you are more than 12 weeks pregnant, consult, Late Term Abortion Clinic is helpful in this condition.
Most of the women have a safe medication abortion. However, all medical procedures have some risks. Similarly, these pills also have some risks such as infection, fever, heavy bleeding, nausea, dizziness, undetected ectopic pregnancy. In extremely rare cases, very serious complications may be fatal. The risk of death from medication abortion is much less than from a full-term pregnancy or childbirth. However, this method is less offensive in comparison to the surgical procedure, but it may lead to certain side effects too. If you are adopting this method to terminate your pregnancy, you must aware of the probable side effects of these abortion pills before you take them. Medically induced abortion is 99% effective and even, it is completely safe, pain-free and infection-free for the woman. It does not require surgical instruments, anesthesia, and hospitalization