Tuesday, April 14, 2020

How effective is RU-486 to terminate pregnancy?

Many people believe that abortions are unsafe. If still, you don’t have any other option than choose the best healthcare center for this. The abortion which is done using pills known as medical pills. It is a safe method that has changed the way the woman can terminate is pregnancy. Before proceed further, you must know that, what is name of abortion pill. During this procedure, the patient should consume in medicines name as Misoprostol and Mifeprsitone. This combination is 98% effective. Let’s discuss these pills in detail.
You will need 1st  pill of Mifepristone and 4 pills of Misoprostol  during this procedure. It is important that you should take an equal amount of the pills. The Mifepristone should be 200mg  and each Misoprostol should be 200mcg.

Which abortion pill is most effective?

The combination of Mifepistone and Misoprostol. Let’s discuss abortion pills in detail:
1. Mifepistone: Mifepristone pre-treatment followed by misoprostol therapy and was more likely to outcome in expulsion of the gestational sac in women who experienced early miscarriage compared with misoprostol alone.

what is name of abortion pill
what is name of abortion pill

Mifepristone, A.K.A. RU-486

In 1980, researchers at the French company, RousselUclaf, revealed a drug that interferes with the body's capability to utilize the hormone progesterone. They called it RU for RousselUclaf. Progesterone plays an important role in the body for the early pregnancy. It helps to prepare the wall of the uterus for the implantation of the embryo and for the division of the cells. If the body does not provide the adequate amount of the progesterone, then implanted embryo cannot be implanted in the uterus. When this occurs, the uterus expels the embryo by a series of muscular contractions and the pregnancy is terminated. Mifeprex is used to end an early pregnancy that is not further along than 70 days (10 weeks) after the first day of your last menstrual period. Mifeprex is used together with another medicine called misoprostol (Cytotec).
The pregnancy-terminating the RU-486 medication, aka "The Abortion Pill," is the most effective way to end gestations in the first seven to nine weeks. According to a report, it is believed that 40% of the abortion does with these pills. There should be some time gap between these two pills.

Facts about Mifepristone, A.K.A. RU-486

These statistics illustrate the need for a safe, effective and non-invasive medical option to assist who have made the emotionally difficult to end a pregnancy. It's important to gather information, so here are eight medical facts regarding The Abortion Pill:
1.  Mifepristone must be prescribed by the doctor  within 63 days  and nine weeks  of a pregnancy. If any women whose pregnancy lasts more than this must consult with a doctor for in-clinic abortion.

2. This pill is 97% effective. If this pill does not  work. Choose another option for the abortion. This pill is helpful to block the progesterone which is needed to sustain the pregnancy.

3.This breaks down the lining of the uterus and prevents the pregnancy from continuing.  Therefore second medication must be taken with some time gap.

4. NAF says 5-10% women will have a complete medical abortion  within a  few hours of using oral misoprostol. Women should expect to have bleeding  for 9-16 days or even more.

5. Medication abortion is similar to an early miscarriage. It also has some side effects. Women may suffer from abdominal pain, cramping, diarrhea, dizziness, mild fever or nausea.

6. After taking this pill, new menstrual cycle has been begun.A woman should have her regular period in 4-8 weeks.


Misoprostol is a drug with many uses.Mainly it is given to people who are taking certain anti-inflammatory drugs in order to stop stomach ulcers. Because it can also cause uterine contractions, it has become a second component of medical abortion along with either methotrexate or mifepristone.
According to French doctor, mistoprosol is given to the women after 48 hours of the first pill.It is sometimes agreed as a vaginal suppository because this route can be safer and more effective,  for the  pregnancies that are further along.These studies have found that although misoprostol is about as effective as both two-drug combinations, there are many more unpleasant side effects.

RU-486 and Mifeprex
RU-486 and Mifeprex
Nausea, diarrhea and vomiting are the side effects of this pill. Some women also got blood flashes or episodes of fever. Sometimes these pills are also detected in the blood.
One of the most common concerns that relates to these pills and its side effects. The media have frequently warned about dangerous medications, stating that women will risk heavy bleeding when using these pills.  These concerns are not serious as these medicines are proved as safe. These concerns are easily addressed, as both of these medications are safe when arranged and used after a consultation with a medical professional, as is the case of any side effects and complications. RU-486 and Mifeprex is highly effective abortion pill recommend by the doctors.

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