We discuss the
difference between surgical abortion and medical abortion to help you better
understands the options available to you.
I took 200 mg of
mifepristone for 24-48 hours, followed by 800 mcg of misoprostol, and then I
came to the clinic to take my first abortion pill. After 10 weeks you are no
longer entitled to the abortion pill and have to have a surgical abortion.
Surgical abortion after 12 weeks can take longer and be more expensive in
clinics. You have to wait 72 hours before taking your first abortion pill and
then 24 hours after that.
If the abortion pill is
unsuccessful, surgical abortion can be performed in any of our clinics. As
abortion pills do not effectively terminate a pregnancy, you must go for
surgical abortion methods. Thus, you must know the difference between Abortion pill vs in clinic.
The second type of
abortion is drug abortion, which is not the same as the morning-after pill. It
is valid in Palm Beach County, Florida, as well as other parts of the United
States and Europe.
In this type of
abortion, a combination of two pills, mifepristone, and misoprostol, is used to
stop the growth of the pregnancy and then to induce the emptying of the uterus.
Medication abortion works as follows: A person takes a single oral dose of mifepristone,
which stops the pregnancy as it progresses.
If you choose this type
of medical abortion, take mifepristone at the office and misoprostol at home.
If you have decided to have an abortion with surgical medication, you will need
to meet with your doctor in the hospital, as an abortion patient either takes a
pill in an office or takes an additional medication home, such as an oral dose
of mifepristone.
Depending on where you
are, you can also choose the abortion pill if you have had a positive pregnancy
test and are pregnant in the fifth to sixth week. If you are late in getting
pregnant to have a medical abortion, the hospital or clinic will give you a the second dose of the medicine you take at home.
The abortion pill is
cheaper than an abortion attempt with vacuum aspiration, because it only
involves the purchase of the pill. If you decide to have an abortion, you will
receive one pill that you can take at the clinic and another that you can take
home, as long as it is the same dose as the first.
In the first trimester,
there are two options: abortion by a doctor in the clinic or taking the
abortion pill at home. You can be offered the option of a drug-induced abortion
by taking an abortion pill, or you can be offered the option of having an
abortion in a clinic.
Whether you choose a
medical or surgical procedure for an abortion depends on the option available
to you in your home country, how many weeks you are pregnant, and which
procedure is right for you. Although you may have heard of medical abortion and
surgical abortion, knowing which one is "right" can be a difficult
decision. It is important to decide which method of medical abortion and/or
surgical abortion is safe and trustworthy, as it can have serious side effects.
It is vital to be under
medical supervision when it comes to any type of abortion, including an
abortion pill. They usually do not need any further tests or appointments
before a surgical abortion or a medical abortion in a hospital.
Texas restricts access
to abortions, but Planned Parenthood and many other clinics offer abortions
with drugs. Find out more by calling the Chicago Abortion Center office today
or using our confidential online booking feature. You are free to go to an
abortion clinic if you suspect you are pregnant and discuss your options with
your doctor, GP or local abortion provider.
The length of pregnancy
varies from clinic to clinic and according to state law, and the number of
abortions that are possible in a clinic or in a particular state varies from
clinic to clinic.
Medical abortion
appointments include assessing an ultrasound sonogram, giving informed consent,
making birth control decisions and learning what to expect during an abortion.
Depending on the
pregnancy, you have the option of a surgical abortion or a drug abortion. There
are different procedures depending on how far you are in pregnancy. Surgical
abortions must be performed in a clinic, and many women prefer drug-based
abortions to surgical abortions because they are non-invasive and can be
performed in any environment they wish, such as a hospital or home. Your clinic
will give you the choice between an abortion (also known as an abortion pill) and
an in vitro abortion, also known as an abortion. So know about Abortion pill vs medical procedure in